







classicswarm 的调度器中,调度的策略就是基于策略模式实现的:


// PlacementStrategy is the interface for a container placement strategy.
type PlacementStrategy interface {
	// Name of the strategy
	Name() string
	// Initialize performs any initial configuration required by the strategy and returns
	// an error if one is encountered.
	// If no initial configuration is needed, this may be a no-op and return a nil error.
	Initialize() error
	// RankAndSort applies the strategy to a list of nodes and ranks them based
	// on the best fit given the container configuration.  It returns a sorted
	// list of nodes (based on their ranks) or an error if there is no
	// available node on which to schedule the container.
	RankAndSort(config *cluster.ContainerConfig, nodes []*node.Node) ([]*node.Node, error)

var (
	strategies []PlacementStrategy
	// ErrNotSupported is the error returned when a strategy name does not match
	// any supported placement strategy.
	ErrNotSupported = errors.New("strategy not supported")
	// ErrNoResourcesAvailable is the error returned when there are no resources
	// available to schedule a container. This can occur if there are no nodes in
	// the cluster or if no node contains sufficient resources for the container.
	ErrNoResourcesAvailable = errors.New("no resources available to schedule container")

func init() {
	strategies = []PlacementStrategy{

// New creates a new PlacementStrategy for the given strategy name.
func New(name string) (PlacementStrategy, error) {
	if name == "binpacking" { //TODO: remove this compat
		name = "binpack"

	for _, strategy := range strategies {
		if strategy.Name() == name {
			log.WithField("name", name).Debugf("Initializing strategy")
			err := strategy.Initialize()
			return strategy, err

	return nil, ErrNotSupported

// List returns the names of all the available strategies.
func List() []string {
	names := []string{}

	for _, strategy := range strategies {
		names = append(names, strategy.Name())

	return names

spread 策略实现类:

// SpreadPlacementStrategy places a container on the node with the fewest running containers.
type SpreadPlacementStrategy struct {

// Initialize a SpreadPlacementStrategy.
func (p *SpreadPlacementStrategy) Initialize() error {
	return nil

// Name returns the name of the strategy.
func (p *SpreadPlacementStrategy) Name() string {
	return "spread"

// RankAndSort sorts nodes based on the spread strategy applied to the container config.
func (p *SpreadPlacementStrategy) RankAndSort(config *cluster.ContainerConfig, nodes []*node.Node) ([]*node.Node, error) {
	// for spread, a healthy node should decrease its weight to increase its chance of being selected
	// set healthFactor to -10 to make health degree [0, 100] overpower cpu + memory (each in range [0, 100])
	const healthFactor int64 = -10
	weightedNodes, err := weighNodes(config, nodes, healthFactor)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	output := make([]*node.Node, len(weightedNodes))
	for i, n := range weightedNodes {
		output[i] = n.Node
	return output, nil

random 策略实现类:

/ RandomPlacementStrategy randomly places the container into the cluster.
type RandomPlacementStrategy struct {
	r *rand.Rand

// Initialize a RandomPlacementStrategy.
func (p *RandomPlacementStrategy) Initialize() error {
	p.r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()))
	return nil

// Name returns the name of the strategy.
func (p *RandomPlacementStrategy) Name() string {
	return "random"

// RankAndSort randomly sorts the list of nodes.
func (p *RandomPlacementStrategy) RankAndSort(config *cluster.ContainerConfig, nodes []*node.Node) ([]*node.Node, error) {
	for i := len(nodes) - 1; i > 0; i-- {
		j := p.r.Intn(i + 1)
		nodes[i], nodes[j] = nodes[j], nodes[i]
	return nodes, nil


type Scheduler struct {

	strategy strategy.PlacementStrategy
	filters  []filter.Filter